

Borychev Sergey Nikolaevich, Ryazan State Agricultural Academy graduate, who passed all stages from a student to a Pro-Rector in Charge with Instruction Activity. In 2015 he was awarded the qualification of a Master in management.

In 2000 he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Science and in 2009 for the degree of Doctor of Technical Science. In 2005 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor, and in 2010 the academic title of Full Professor.

Based on the results of his research, he published over 240 scientific and educational works, including 55 copyright certificates and patents for inventions and utility models, 7 monographs, 12 manuals classified by Education and Methodics Association of Russian universities.

His awards include: a Diploma of a participant of the All-Russian competition «Engineer of the Year» (2002); a Certificate of Honor from the Governor of Ryazan Region (2010) for many years of fruitful work and a great personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists; an Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ryazan Region (2011); the commendation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (2012) and the title «Honorary Worker of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia» (2013).